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Blog ini baik untuk mereka yang beragama Kristian, dan ianya hanya untuk Kristian sahaja.
Saya dapati blog kristian tersebut sesuatu yang berguna kepada semua yang beragama kristian tidak kira mereka yang dewasa ataupun remaja.

Church/Religious Organization
Strictly for Christians only ~ Hanya Untuk Kristian Sahaja ~ อย่างเคร่งครัดสำหรับคริสต์เท่านั้น ~ 厳密にはキリスト教徒のためだけ.

PUTRAJAYA: Health Ministry director-general Datuk Seri Dr Hasan Abdul Rahman was fined RM3,000 in default three months’ jail by a Syariah High Court here for committing khalwat (close proximity) Wednesday.

While his female companion Wan Syarifah Nooraazmanita Wan Hassan, 35, was fined RM2,900 in default 30 days jail for committing the same offence.

Both pleaded guilty to the charge before Syarie judge Mohd Amran Mat Zain and paid the fine.

They committed the offence at Pullman Putrajaya Lakeside at about 2.18am on Nov 14.

Both were unrepresented.

PUTRAJAYA 14 Nov. – Ketua Pengarah Kesihatan, Datuk Seri Dr Hasan Abdul Rahman dan pasangannya masing-masing didenda RM3,000 dan RM2,900 terhadap tuduhan berkhalwat di sebuah hotel, di sini, awal pagi semalam.

Hakim Syarie Amran Mat Zin menjatuhkan hukuman itu selepas Dr Hasan dan Wan Sharifah Nooraazmanita Wan Hassan, 36, mengaku salah terhadap tuduhan masing-masing mengikut Seksyen 27(a) dan 27(b) Akta Kesalahan Jenayah Syariah (Wilayah-Wilayah Persekutuan) 1997.

Mereka dituduh melakukan kesalahan itu di bilik nombor 5227, Hotel Pullman Putrajaya Lakeside, No 2 Jalan P5/5, 62220, Putrajaya, sekitar jam 2.18 pagi semalam.

Terdahulu, Dr Hasan dan pasangannya yang tidak diwakili peguam mengaku faham kesan pengakuannya selepas pertuduhan dibacakan jurubahasa mahkamah.

Pendakwaan diketuai oleh Pendakwa Syarie Kanan, Che Saupi Che Husin, Mohd Hafiz Idris dan Faizal Ahmad.

Mengikut fakta kes, ketika pemeriksaan, sepasukan penguat kuasa agama diketuai Ketua Pegawai Penguatkuasa Agama (KPPA) Wan Jaafar Wan Ahmad mendapati pintu bilik hotel berkenaan ditutup rapat, sebelum Wan Jaafar mengetuk pintu, sambil memberi salam.

Kira-kira lima minit kemudian, pintu bilik berkenaan dibuka oleh seorang lelaki Islam iaitu tertuduh pertama yang memakai baju kemeja lengan pendek berwarna biru muda dan seluar panjang berwarna coklat.
Hasil pemeriksaan lanjut mendapati seorang wanita Islam tidak bertudung dan memakai baju kemeja T hitam dan seluar panjang hitam duduk di kerusi berhampiran katil iaitu tertuduh kedua.

Hasil siasatan mendapati kedua-dua tertuduh tidak mempunyai sebarang hubungan mahram dan bukan suami isteri.

Hasil siasatan juga mendapati tertuduh lelaki adalah duda, manakala tertuduh perempuan masih bersuami dan kini dalam proses bercerai.

Penyakit,Tanda-tanda dan Tindakbalas.




Kesan Tindakbalas (Tanda Pemulihan)



Tekanan Darah Tinggi

Tekanan sistol (atas) 140 ke atas.
Tekanan Disatol (bawah) 90 ke atas.
Lemah semangat.
Lenguh bahagian bahu.
Sukar tidur malam.
Mata merah sebam.
Sering sakit kepala.

Leher rasa tegang.
Belakang kepala bahagian atas rasa sakit dan tegang.
Sakit kepala (berlaku selama 2 – 10 hari).
Biasanya tekanan darah akan turun selepas mengambil jus.

Kurangkan makanan berminyak, berlemak, garam dan makanan berkanji (nasi, mee).
Makan lebih sayur-sayuran dan buah-buahan.
Jangan kerja terlalu berat
Tenangkan perasaan.

Tekanan Darah Rendah

Kerap buang air kecil.
Sering rasa dahaga.
Badan berasa lemah.
Mudah letih.
Mengalami luka yang sukar disembuhkan.
Dalam masa jangka panjang boleh mengakibatkan darah tinggi, sakit jantung, mata kelabu, kulit jadi hitam dan pecah berair.

Paras gula meningkat dalam seminggu.
Tangan dan kaki menjadi bengkak sedikit.
Keadaan akan berkurangan selepas seminggu.
Keadaan penyakit akan berunsur-ansur pulih.
Kesan pemulihan dapat dirasai setelah makan jus 3 hingga 4 botol (500ml).

Kurangkan makanan berminyak, berlemak, garam dan makanan berkanji (nasi, mee).
Makan lebih banyak sayur-sayuran dan buah-buahan.
Jangan bekerja terlalu berat.
Tenangkan perasaan.

Sakit Sendi, Sengal, Pirai

Sendi sakit dan bengkak. Rasa panas di bahagian berkenaan.
Luka lama di sendi berasa sakit.
Bila serius, sendi-sendi menjadi bengkak.

Sendi rasa sakit
Badan jadi panas.

Kurangkan makanan berprotein, kacang pisang dan rebung.


Berak berdarah.
Dubur berasa sakit di bahagian luar dan dalam.

Berak berdarah.

Kurangkan makanan pedas dan berasid.
Makan makanan berserat (gentian).

Sakit Puan

Keluar cairan putih (penyakit keputihan)
Haid tidak normal dan berasa sakit.

Cairan putih keluar semakin banyak.
Haid tidak stabil.
Kesan pemulihan dapat dirasai setelah makan jus 2 hingga 3 botol (500ml).

Jangan minum air sejuk (ais)
Digalakkan mandi air panas.
Tenangkan perasaan.

Kencing Manis

Kerap buang air kecil.
Sering rasa dahaga.
Badan berasa lemah.
Mudah letih.
Mengalami luka yang sukar disembuhkan.
Dalam masa jangka panjang boleh mengakibatkan darah tinggi, sakit jantung, mata kelabu, kulit jadi hitam dan pecah berair.

Paras gula meningkat dalam seminggu.
Tangan dan kaki menjadi bengkak sedikit.
Keadaan akan berkurangan selepas seminggu.
Keadaan penyakit akan berunsur-ansur pulih.
Kesan pemulihan dapat dirasai setelah makan jus 3 hingga 4 botol (500ml)

Kurangkan makanan berminyak, berlemak, garam dan makanan berkanji (nasi, mee).
Makan lebih banyak sayur-sayuran dan buah-buahan.
Jangan bekerja terlalu berat.
Tenangkan perasaan.

Sakit Jantung

Sakit di bahagian atas dada di sebelah kiri.
Sakit di bahagian lengan atas tangan kiri.
Biasanya berlaku bila perasaan tertekan dan senaman yang berlebihan.
Sesak nafas

Cendawan merah mempunyai kuasa yang cukup berkesan bagi menghilangkan sekatan dalam saluran darah (thrombosis)
Merangsang dengutan jantung menjadi cepat.
Rasa sakit di dada
Muka menjadi merah selama 2 – 4 hari.
Kebas di lengan atas tangan kiri.

Kurangkan makanan berlemak, kolesterol.
Jangan minum arak.
Kurangkan merokok.
Masa tidur yang cukup dan bangun awal.

Ulser Gaster

Sakit di ulu hati.
Pedih di dalam perut.
Tekak rasa pahit ketika sendawa.
Bila serius, muntah atau berak berdarah hitam.

Seram sejuk
Perut rasa pedih
Berlaku cirit-birit atau sembelit.
Selepas makan jus 1 hingga 2 botol (500ml), berasa lega.

Jangan makan makanan yang masam dan pedas.
Kuantiti makanan dan masa makan hendaklah tetap.


Berasa sakit sebelum hujan.
Sengal di bahagian sendi atau seluruh bahagian badan.
Kadar metabolisme menjadi lemah.

Bertambah sakit

Kurangkan makanan berprotein, kacang, pisang dan rebung.


Keluar darah di bahagian yang berkenaan.
Kulit bengkak dan pecah di bahagian berkenaan.
Ketumbuhan (tumor) yang keras.

Keluar darah dan nanah.
Cendawan merah boleh kurangkan rasa sakit.
Jika di peringkat awal dan pertengahan, boleh dipulihkan.

Makan banyak sayur-sayuran.
Makan sayur-sayuran segar secara mentah.
Kurangkan memakan daging merah.
Boleh mendapatkan rawatan radioaktif.


Bercakap telor (tidak dapat bercakap dengan betul)
Kebas tangan dan kaki selepas bangun pagi.
Pergerakan badan tidak lancar.
Gangguan ingatan.

Rasa sakit di bahagian saluran darah yang tersumbat.
Sakit dan pening kepala.

Bila terjadi kebas tangan, kaki dan percakapan tidak lancar, perlu rehat sepenuhnya untuk mengelakkan “stroke“.

Batu Karang

Sakit menyucuk di bahagian pinggang.

Bertambah sakit.
Air kencing berkapur.
Kencing berdarah.

Jangan menahan kencing.
Kurangkan makanan berkalsium.

Asma, Penat / Lelah

Pernafasan tidak lancar.
Cuaca kering, berangin dan berdebu boleh menyebabkan asma berlaku.
Batuk terutamanya waktu pagi.

Bertambah tenat selama 2 – 3 hari.
Kadangkala muntah.
Keluar kahak.
Kesan pemulihan dapat dirasai setelah makan jus 2 hingga 3 botol (500ml).

Kurangkan makanan mentah dan minuman sejuk.
Jangan kerja keras.
Boleh menambahkan dosej.

Sakit Buah Pinggang (ginjal)

Seluruh badan terasa letih.
Muka pucat sebam.
Kaki dan tangan bengkak.
Sakit tapak kaki pada waktu ppagi.
Telinga berdengung.
Kadang-kadang rambut gugur.
Susah buang air kecil.

Kerap buang air kecil.
Sakit di bahagian pinggang.
Muka, kaki dan tangan bengkak sedikit.

Minum air sedikit demi sedikit.
Jangan minum minuman bergas
Kurangkan makanan masin.
Duduk terlalu lama boleh melemahkan fungsi buah pinggang.
Senaman memusingkan pinggang boleh membantu menguatkan pinggang.

Badan Berasid Tinggi

Badan sentiasa berasa panas
Pecah di bahagian dalam mulut termasuk gusi.
Mudah letih dan kurang bersemangat.

Selalu berasa mengantuk.
Badan menjadi panas.
Rasa dahaga.
Air kencing berwarna perang.
Kerap kentut.

Cendawan merah cukup berkesan untuk menyingkirkan racun dari badan.
Mengimbangkan paras pH badan.


Disebebkan horman tidak seimbang, sembelit atau jangkitan kuman.
Biji-biji di muka mengandungi nanah.

Jerawat keluar lebih banyak kerana semua keracunan yang terkumpul disingkirkan.
Selepas pembuangan toksin, kulit muka menjadi licin dan cerah.

Kurangkan makanan berminyak atau berlemak.
Tidur yang cukup.
Tenangkan perasaan.

Sakit Buah Pinggang (ginjal) yang teruk dan menggunakan Dialysis
*Rujuk Pesakit Buah Pinggang.


Seluruh badan terasa letih.
Muka pucat sebam.
Kaki dan tangan bengkak.
Sakit tapak kaki pada waktu pagi.
Telinga berdengung.
Kadang-kadang rambut gugur.
Susah buang air kecil.

Buang air kecil lebih lancar.
Selepas 3 – 6 minggu, rawatan dialysis boleh dikurangkan.
Selepas sekurang-kurangnya 8 bulan sakit ini akan mulai pulih.

Minum air sedikit demi sedikit.
Jangan minum minuman bergas
Kurangkan makanan masin.
Duduk terlalu lama boleh melemahkan fungsi buah pinggang.
Senaman memusingkan pinggang boleh membantu menguatkan pinggang.

(Sukar tidur malam)

Insomnia terjadi disebabkan terlalu bimbang
Neurosis juga menyebabkan insomnia
Selalu bermimpi sehingga menganggu tidur.

Peringkat awal tegang kepala
Mudah tidur selepas dua minggu
Berselera makan
Perasaan tenang.

Tenangkan perasaan sebelum tidur
Jangan paksa tidur.

Hepatitis A, B & C

Badan lemah
Air kencing berwarna kuning perang.
Najis berwarna putih.
Mata, muka dan kuku berwarna kuning.
Perut rasa sesak
Kurang selera makan
Sakit-sakit sendi.

Tanda-tanda akan terus berkurangan
Semangat pulih kembali
Semakin berselera.

Jangan makan makanan yang berlemak selama dua bulan
Jangan kerja teruk selama dua bulan
Jika tidak berbuat demikian, kemungkinan berlakunya kerosakan kekal pada hati.


Hidung berhingus dan bersin pada waktu pagi.
Sakit atau gatal disekitar pipi, hidung, mata dan telinga
Kurang deria bau (hidu)
Iklim panas dan lembab menyebabkan mudah terjadi resdung
Hidung cukup sensitif / alahan.

Hidung menhadi semakin sebu selama 3 – 7 hari
Berkesan selepas dua minggu
Badan agak panas
Kesan pemulihan akan dirasai setelah makan jus 2 hingga 3 botol (500ml)

Cendawan merah sangat berkesan untuk resdung
Jangan terlalu fikirkan tentang masalah resdung. Ini melambatkan penyembuhan.

(Sakit jiwa ringan)

Selalu rasa bimbang dan was-was.
Hilang konsentrasi
Menjadi pelupa
Mudah letih
Kadangkala tangan menggigil.
Sukar tidur pada waktu malam
Cepat marah.

Senang tidur selepas dua minggu
Berasa segar selepas bangun tidur.
Perasaan tenang
Di peringkat awal, sakit / tegang kepala.

Tenangkan perasaan
Ambil mudah dalam masalah harian
Jangan banyak merancang dan berfikir.

Kaki busuk (Hongkong Foot)

Disebabkan serangan fungus (kulat)
Mudah terjadi semula
Selalu berlaku perasaan terganggu.

Mula-mula berasa gatal
Keluar air bisa
Kulit menjadi normal semula selepas dua bulan.

Sering tukar sarung kaki
Tenangkan perasaan

(Kurang darah)

Selalu pening kepala
Tangan dan kaki menjadi sejuk
Muka pucat
Badan lemah

Keluar darah dari hidung.
Pening kepala

Permakanan seimbang
Tambahkan makanan berzat


Disebabkan kadar metabolisme kulit tidak normal (sel baru tumbuh sebelum sel lama mati)
Gangguan perasaan membuatkan penyakit ini semakin teruk.

Keluar lebih banyak
Berkesan selepas dua bulan

Tenangkan perasaan
Senangkan hati dan jangan banyak berfikir
Selalu bersihkan kawasan persekitanran


Disebabkan hormon tidak seimbang dan kurang iodin
Makan banyak dan kerap.
Pembengkakan kelenjar liur
Pipi bengkak.

Mula berkesan selepas 1 – 2 bulan
Selera makan menjadi normal

Permakanan seimbang.


Rahim tidak subur (sejuk)
Saluran uterus tersekat
Sperma kurang (lelaki)

Keluar banyak darah haid berwarna hitam
Sperma lelaki bertambah.

Suami dan isteri perlu makan bersama-sama
Makan Jus Cenkudu setengah jam sebelum bersetubuh.

(Penyakit Tarik)

Disebabkan oleh fungsi hemispiar otak kiri dan kanan tidak seimbang.
Menjadi tarik secara tiba-tiba
Mulut berbuih

Menjadi bertambah teruk

Keluarga beri perhatian kepada pesakit untuk mengelakkan kemalangan.
Pesakit tidak boleh melakukan aktiviti / kerja yang merbahaya.

Luka Dalaman

Luka dalaman menyebabkan pengaliran darah tersekat
Jika tidak dirawat, menyebabkan sakit urat saraf, sakit sendi, darah tinggi, sakit buah pinggang.

Sengal dan sakit di bahagian yang luka
Rasa panas di bahagian yang sakit
Kadang-kadang kencing berdarah atau berwarna perang.

Cenkudu paling berkesan untuk luka dalam, walaupun luka itu sudah lama
Bagi mangsa kemalangan, makan Jus Cenkudu untuk setiap 4 jam selama 2 minggu.

Kulit Sensitif

Terjadi tompok merah di kulit
Kulit gatal / sakit

Tindak balas menjadi semakin teruk selama seminggu

Boleh makan Jus Cenkudu bersama-sama ubat barat.

Selepas Pembedahan

Rasa sakit di bahagian yang dibedah

Pesakit boleh terus makan Cenkudu selepas pembedahan
Jus Cenkudu boleh membantu mempercepatkan penyembuhan.

Kulit Pecah-pecah dan Berair Bisa

Disebabkan badan berasid / beracun, darah kotor, kencing manis

Keluar air bisa, (nanah, darah kotor yang berbau busuk)

Sapukan Jus / Ubat gigi Cenkudu tempat sakit.
Kurangkan makanan berjenis daging merah
Makan banyak sayur.

(Selepas bersalin)

Disebabkan fungsi badan tidak seimbang selepas bersalin
Perasaan tertekan
Menjadi histeria seperti dirasuk hantu
Kadang-kadang disebabkan darah nifas tidak habis keluar.

Badan rasa sakit
Darah nifas keluar habis-habisan
Perasaan menjadi tenang selepas dua minggu

Keluarga beri perhatian lebih untuk menenangkan perasaan pesakit
Jangan disangka pesakit dirasuk hantu.

(Ketagih arak)

Selalu sakit kepala
Dengutan jantung semakin cepat
Perut dan dada terasa sesak dan ketat.

10 minit selepas makan Jus Cenkudu, tanda-tanda tersebut menjadi jarang.

Hentikan terus amalan minum arak
Minum arak boleh memusnahkan sel-sel hati dan otak.


Sakit tekak yang ringan
Bersin dan mata berair

Bersin dan hingus akan bertambah

Cendawan merah boleh mempertingkatkan daya ketahanan tubuh

Terlalu banyak makan ubat Barat

Fungsi badan tidak lancar
Kesan sampingan yang mengancam kesihatan.

Ruam dan bintik merah, mungkin gatal
Mulut pecah bahagian dalam bibir, gusi, lidah.

Jangan berhenti makan ubat Barat secara sert-merta / mengejut
Kurangkan ubatan Barat hanya selepas rawatan Jus Cenkudu menunjukkan kesan.


Sakit ulu hati
Pedih didalam perut
Tekak rasa masam ketika sendawa

Seram sejuk
Perut pedih
Berlaku cirit-birit atau sembelit

Cendawan merah mampu merangsangkan fungsi penghadaman perut dan dapat menguatkan usus secara berkesan.

Sakit Kuning

Berasa panas
Sengal-sengal badan

Badan lebih panas
Air kencing berwarna keruh

Rawatan pemulihan mengambil masa kira-kira 2 bulan


Sakit berdenyut pada sendi
Sendi kemerahan, membengkak dan terasa panas

Sendi menjadi sakit dan terasa panas

Kurangkan pengambilan makanan laut
Cendawan merah bertindak menghilangkan asid urik dalam badan, memudahkan pengangkutan darah yang normal dan menghapuskan kesakitan


Pembuangan air besar yang jarang-jarang
Najis kering dan keras
Rasa sakit bila membuang air besar.

Sakit ketika buang air besar

Tambahkan pengambilan makanan berserat

  • Luminita Perijoc, 30, had already forced cabbie at knifepoint to have intercourse and perform oral sex
  • But she flew into a rage when he refused to satisfy her again
  • Police say her behaviour may have been down to medication she was taking
A Romanian taxi driver claims a sex-crazed Angelina Jolie lookalike passenger stabbed him after he refused to satisfy her for a third time.

Femme fatale: Angelina Jolie lookalike Luminita Perijoc, allegedly stabbed a taxi driver after he refused to have sex with her for a third time

Nicolae Stan told police stunning Luminita Perijoc, 30, had already forced him at knifepoint to have intercourse and perform oral sex.

He claims Perijoc had asked him to help her with his bags but once inside her apartment she demanded sex.

When he refused she allegedly pulled out a knife and forced him to undress.

Police investigating his claims say the Perijoc’s behaviour may have been down to the fact she was on medication at the time.

Mr Stan said that his life has been made a misery by pals ribbing him about the fact that he had turned down the beautiful double of the Hollywood star.

He said: ‘It is terrible. I am now a local celebrity, every one is talking about me.

‘They don’t understand why I refused her, but they do not know what it is like to have a mad woman yelling at you at knife point.

‘They look at her, then look at me an laugh. But I think anyone would find it impossible to perform with a knife at their throat even if they were with Miss Romania.’

‘She asked me to help with her bag but when we were upstairs she got me in to her kitchen and told me she had to have sex with me,’ claimed the married dad-of-three.

‘I think she wasn’t used to anyone saying no because she flew into a rage when I declined. She took out a knife and forced me to undress and have sex with her.

‘But she wasn’t satisfied and wanted sex again.

Perijoc, 30, forced cabbie Nicolae Stan at knifepoint to have intercourse and perform oral sex on her but flew into a rage when he refused to satisfy her again, police were told

Mr Stan said his life has been made a misery by pals ribbing him about the fact that he turned down the beautiful double of the Hollywood star. Pictured: How the incident was reported on a Romanian website

‘When I refused she attacked me with a knife, and forced me to have oral sex with her but she still stabbed me,’ he added.

Friends told local media that Perijoc is a huge fan of actress Jolie and models herself on the Tomb Raider star.

The original: Perijoc is a huge fan of Angelina

Mr Stan says he only escaped when he managed to barricade himself into a bedroom and dial 999 on his mobile phone.

Police say he was taken to hospital with more than half a dozen stab wounds.

‘We are interviewing both parties to discover what could have happened,’ said a police spokesman.


Semen makes women happy

Gulp! Ladies, here’s a bit of news that might “blow” you away! Oral sex is not only good for your health but it also makes you feel happier, according to a State University of New York study.

The Daily Mail quoted the study, saying semen elevates mood, ups affection, induces sleep and contains at least three anti-depressants. The researchers, who surveyed 293 women, claim that women who have regular unprotected sex are less depressed.

Semen contains spermatozoa, cortisol, which is known to increase affection, estrone and oxytocin which elevates mood. It also contains thyrotropin-releasing hormone (another antidepressant), melatonin (a sleep-inducing agent), and even serotonin (antidepressant neurotransmitter).

Also, women who engage in unsafe sex are less prone to depression. The research suggests it’s not just about the sex, but how happy women are might be related to the amount of semen within their body.

Sexually active heterosexual women, including promiscuous women, who used condoms were just as depressed as those practicing total abstinence. This suggests it is semen, not just sex, that makes women happy.

But you can’t have one without the other, right? Well, that’s debatable.

Source: Daily Mail

Bermacam – macam perangai dan gelagat budak-budak sekolah sekarang ni. Budak sekolah yang bertudungpun  berani melakukan hubungan seks di tempat awam yang terbuka. Apa dah jadi ni.. nak jadi pornstar ke?. Keruntuhan moral budak-budak sekolah sekarang ini semakin ketara,ramai diantara mereka yang tidak lagi peduli dengan nasihat dan leteran ibubapa serta guru2 mereka..sehinggakan mereka dah terlampau berani melakukan apa sahaja yang mereka inginkan termasuklah melakukan seks dengan teman lelaki / teman wanita mereka secara terbuka. Nampaknya sistem pendidikan di Malaysia tidak lagi memberi kesan untuk mendidik akhlak sesetengah pelajar di Malaysia ini sehingga ada yang bertindak melampaui batas.
Di bawah ini gambar-gambar bukti yang menunjukkan terdapat budak sekolah yang cukup berani melakukan seks walaupun di tempat awam. Gambar ini sebenarnya hasil dari screenshot video yang diperolehi di, namun begitu  tidak perlulah link video tersebut didedahkan kepada umum memandangkan ia memalukan.
Di dalam video ( dlm youtube) tersebut kelihatan seorang individu yang tidak dikenali merakamkan adengan seks sepasang remaja sekolah dari dalam sebuah rumah. Intipan itu dilakukan melalui sebuah tingkap. Melihat keadaan persekitaran, pasangan ini nampaknya benar-benar melakukan aktiviti seks di tempat terbuka tanpa menghiraukan keadaan di sekeliling mereka.
Source: hotmalays


In Malaysia, there are two types of divorce of marriage for non-Muslims:
1) Divorce by mutual consent, i.e. both parties agree to the divorce
2) Divorce without mutual consent


Both parties to the marriage can jointly file a divorce where they can mutually agree to divorce. By a joint petition, both parties can freely decide on the maintenance for wife and children, custody and care of the children, division of matrimonial assets.


Either party to a marriage may file a petition to divorce without consent of the other party, on the ground that the marriage has broken down. The break down of the marriage can be grounded one of the reasons as follows:

1) that the other party has committed adultery;
2) that the other party has behaved in such a way that it cannot reasonably be expected to live together;
3) that the other party has deserted for a continuous period of at least 2 years; OR
4) that the parties to the marriage have lived apart for a continuous period of at least 2 years.

Common misconception: The parties to the marriage must be living apart for more than 2 years before a divorce can be filed.
Answer: No, not necessary. Living apart for more than 2 years is merely a reason to file for single petition divorce. There are other reasons to file for divorce as mentioned above.


In a joint petition, both parties can mutually agree to propose any arrangement for the children, including joint custody after divorce.

In a single petition, either party can make application for the custodianship. The court will decide the custodianship after considering all factors including: 1) The welfare of the children 2) The wishes of the parents 3) The wishes of the child if the child is eligible to express an independent opinion.
There is a rebuttable presumption that the custodianship of a child below 7 years belongs to the mother. Kindly take note that this is a presumption which is rebuttable by the father.


In a joint petition, both parties can mutually agree to propose any arrangement in relation to the property. The parties can either sell the property then divide the net sale proceeds in any ratio, transfer it among themselves, hold it on trust then transfer to the children in future, in an agreed time frame before or after the divorce proceedings. The parties can even decide to maintain the current ownership of the property.

In a single petition, either party can make application for the division of matrimonial property. If the property is acquired by the sole effort of the party, the court may divide the property as the court thinks reasonable. The party upon whose effort the assets were acquired will receive a greater proportion. If the property is acquired by joint effort, the court may divide the property as the court thinks reasonable after considering factors like the extent of the contributions made by each party. The definition of contribution is inclusive of both financial contribution, and non-financial contribution.


Wife’s maintenance and children’s maintenance has to be identified separately in a divorce petition.
In a joint petition, both parties can mutually agree to propose any arrangement for the maintenance, including 1) no maintenance 2) monthly maintenance 3) lump sum maintenance for a fixed amount, or any flexible arrangement.

In a single petition, either party can make application for the maintenance and ancillary relief. The court will decide after considering all factors including 1) the needs of the wife / children 2) the living standard of the parties during marriage 3) the income of the parties.


The actual time needed for may vary in each and every single case depending on the following factors: 1. The date of hearing granted by the court (whether it is early or late) 2. The complexity of the case 3. The time needed for both parties to reach a settlement (for joint petition’s case) 4. The efficiency of the lawyer appointed.

Generally, a joint petition divorce matter takes 6 to 9 months to be completed while a unilateral petition divorce (without mutual consent) matter takes more time to be completed. The divorce matter could take more time if it is contested.


1) A copy of your IC (for Malaysian) / Passport (for Foreigner)
2) A copy of your spouse’s IC/ Passport
3) A copy of your children’s birth certificate & IC
If you do not have any of the above mentioned documents, you may engage a lawyer to extract a copy from JPN (“Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara”).


1) Consult a lawyer.
2) With lawyer’s advice, discuss and make settlement with your spouse for the arrangement of children, property & maintenance (if any).
3) Sign the divorce petition and related documents prepared by your lawyer.
4) Wait for the hearing date after the filing of your application in the High Court.
5) Attend the hearing with your lawyer (if you or your spouse cannot attend the hearing, kindly refer to your lawyer for solutions)
6) Obtain divorce certificate at least three months after a divorce order is granted by the judge.

1) Parties do not need to attend any JPN tribunal for joint petition to divorce.
2) Parties do not need to be separated for 2 years before a joint petition to divorce can be filed.
3) Parties do not need to specify the reason for divorce in joint petition.


1) Consult a lawyer (Subject to your instruction, the lawyer may help to write an official letter to your spouse to indicate your intention to divorce, and to state the benefits of joint petition to divorce in comparison with single petition to divorce)
2) If the other spouse refuses to a Joint Petition to divorce, your lawyer may assist you to apply for JPN’s (“Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara”) Tribunal for 3 times of your attendances within 6 months. The purpose of the Tribunal is to reconcile the parties of the marriage.
3) After the tribunal, you may sign the divorce petition and file it in to the High Court.
4) Thereafter the procedure may be different depending on your spouse’s action subsequently when he / she receives the petition. Please refer to your lawyer for further information.


For joint petition matter, there are two choices: 1) Either party pay for the whole legal fee 2) Both parties share the legal fee in a proportion that is mutually agreed
For single petition matter, each party has to bear their own legal fee generally.


Generally, a joint petition’s legal fee is cheaper than a single petition’s (without mutual consent). The legal fee chargeable varies from one case to another depending on the following factors:

1) The complexity of the case as it affects the amount of time and skill a lawyer requires;
2) The complexity of the Petition’s Content (i.e. The complexity of the Divorce Arrangement & Settlement)
3) Whether or not the divorce petition is contested. Legal fee for contested matter is generally higher than uncontested matter.


Contact Our Panel Lawyers / The Author of this Article.

Other FAQs:

Foreign Marriage/ Divorce
Q: I am a foreigner in Malaysia who has registered my marriage overseas. Can I file for a divorce here?
A: Yes, if you are residing in Malaysia even if your marriage is not registered in Malaysia.

Q: I am a Malaysian who is residing overseas now. Can I file for a divorce in Malaysia?
A: Yes, you can sign the divorce documents overseas, and engage a lawyer to file your divorce in Malaysia.

Q: I am a Malaysian who had registered my marriage in Malaysia/ Embassy of Malaysia. I have obtained a divorce certificate from overseas, but is my divorce certificate recognized in Malaysia?
A: No. Your overseas divorce certificate is not recognized in Malaysia. You need to engage a lawyer to apply for local court’s declaration to give legal effect to your overseas divorce certificate, and update your marital status in JPN (“Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara”/ National Registration Department)

Two Years Separation Requirement

Q: Can I file for divorce within 2 years of my marriage?
A: Yes. It’s possible.

Q: Do I need to separate with my spouse for 2 years before a divorce can be filed?
A: No, not necessary.

Q: Do I get ‘automatic’ divorce when I have separated with my spouse for more than 2 years?
A: No. You will still need to apply for the divorce in court.

Q: Can I get a divorce by applying from JPN (“Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara” / National Registration Department) without engaging a lawyer?
A: No.

Q: I have attended JPN’s tribunal for 3 times, am I considered divorced?
A: No. You need to engage a lawyer to proceed for divorce.

Q: My divorce certificate is granted overseas. Can I submit the divorce certificate to JPN for them to update my marital status?
A: No. Your overseas divorce certificate is not recognized in Malaysia. You need to engage a lawyer to apply for local court’s declaration to give legal effect to your overseas divorce certificate, and update your marital status in JPN (“Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara”/ National Registration Department)

Spouse’s Issues
Q: My spouse refuses to divorce. Can I still file for a divorce?
A: Yes.

Q: My spouse refuses to sign any divorce document. Can I still file for a divorce?
A: Yes.

Q: I have lost the contact of my spouse/ my spouse has gone missing. Can I still file for a divorce?
A: Yes.

Q: My spouse is residing in overseas now. Can I still file for a divorce?
A: Yes.

Q: What is annulment of marriage? Can I file for annulment?
Annulment is a legal procedure for declaring a marriage null and void. Please refer to a lawyer for more information.


Many Malaysians men aged 19 to 60 have confessed in a Universiti Sains Malaysia survey that they ejaculate even before having sexual intercourse with their partner.

The study/survey recorded case of a married couple who never had a fulfilled intercourse for four years because the husband was unable to control his excitement and would often ejaculate before penetration said USM Men’s Health Clinic head Assoc Prof Shaiful Bahari Ismail who did the study on premature ejaculation.

Some men hardly last a minute after intra-vaginal activity, adding that this caused distress and sexual boredom that might lead to divorce if the wife had a high sex drive.

According to his Premature Ejaculation Perception and Attitude study, about 29% of Malaysians aged between 19 and 60 suffer from some sort of premature ejaculation.

The percentage could be higher, considering many are unable to practise healthy and regular intercourse and also because they lead very stressful lives, he said in an interview here.

A World Health Organisation report said early ejaculation was the most common of all sexual difficulties among men and it was estimated that between 25% and 33% of men ejaculated “before they want to”.

Based on the studies, women who experienced problems of sexual fulfilment were more open to talk about the issue when interviewed without the presence of their husband or partner.

This is in contrast to men who would rather be in a denial mode even in one-to-one interviews.

When the denial is allowed to fester, it would lead to other problems like unnecessary stress.

This could lead to psychological problems and, if not controlled, would eventually affect their manhood and self-esteem.

The premature ejaculation was becoming a threat to Malaysians and might be one of the causes of the increasing divorce rate.

Malaysian men felt that it was taboo to speak about the condition and preferred to “sweep the problem under the carpet”.

Married women also preferred to be silent because it could affect their husbands’ self-esteem.

The family medicine specialist said there was no cure for premature ejaculation because it was “all in the mind”.

Source: The Star @ 18/07/2010.


Keinginan melakukan hubungan seks terlalu kerap, malah hampir setiap hari.Apakah ini mendatangkan masalah kesihatan?


Hubungan seks yang kerap walaupun pada kadar setiap hari, tidak akan menimbulkan apa-apa kemudaratan. Hubungan seks dianggap satu proses pemulihan (healing) yang baik untuk minda dan tubuh badan.

Berikut ialah beberapa kelebihan melakukan hubungan seks:-

1. Sejenis senaman.

Hubungan seks ialah salah satu bentuk aktiviti fizikal. Ketika hubungan berlaku, berlaku pelbagai perubahan fisilogi yang berlaku dalam badan seolah-olah seperti seseorang lelaki sedang menjalani aktiviti senaman.

Contohnya, semasa hubungan seks, tahap kadar pernafasan akan meningkat. Peningkatan pernafasan dan pernafasan yang dalam akan meningkatkan tahap oksigen dalam badan dan boleh memperbaiki sel-sel yang rosak. Kapasiti paru-paru juga akan meningkat. Begitu juga dengan degupan jantung, ia akan meningkat ketika hubungan seks dan ini akan meningkatkan aliran darah dalam badan.

Ketika hubungan seks, pelbagai otot mengalami kontraksi dan selepas hubungan seks, sering kali seseorang itu letih dan berpeluh. Ini bermakna ada aktiviti fizikal yang membakar kalori berlaku semasa hubungan seks. Dianggarkan, jika seseorang itu melakukan hubungan seks tiga kali seminggu dan setiap kali hubungan memakan masa 15 minit, orang itu akan menggunakan 7,500 kalori setahun. Ini umpama saudara berjoging sejauh 120 km. Hormon testosterone yang dikeluarkan ketika hubungan seks juga akan meningkatkan kekuatan otot dan menguatkan tulang.

2. Penawar kesakitan.

Semasa hubungan seksual, sejenis hormon yang dipanggil ‘endophine’ akan dirembeskan. Hormon endophine ini mempunyai fungsi melegakan kesakitan dan sejenis hormon penahan sakit.

Satu kajian dijalankan menunjukkan semasa hubungan seksual terutama semasa orgasma, seseorang tidak akan merasa kesakitan dan selepas hubungan seksual, kesakitan ringan akan berkurangan.

3. Perlindungan kepada kelenjar prostat.

Sebahagian besar dari cecair yang dikeluarkan semasa ejakulasi datangnya dari kelenjar prostat. Hubungan seks yang kerap dapat membantu meningkat produksi cecair yang baru serta dapat mengeluarkan cecair yang berada dalam kelenjar. Jika ejakulasi lama tidak berlaku, akan terjadi pengumpulan cecair dalam kelenjar dan ini boleh menimbulkan inflamasi atau keradangan pada kelenjar prostat.

4. Pengurangan risiko mendapat masalah mati pucuk (ED)

Lima puluh peratus dari lelaki yang berumur lebih dari 40 tahun akan mengalami masalah mati pucuk. Salah satu langkah pencegahan ialah dengan kerap melakukan hubungan seks.

Semasa proses ereksi berlaku, banyak darah dari arteri akan dipamkan ke batang zakar dan darah ini akan membawa oksigen dan nutrien kepada tisu batang zakar.

Proses ini akan mengekalkan kesihatan batang zakar dan ketegangan batang zakar.

5. Mengurangkan stress.

Sudah terbukti dari segi kajian saintifik bahawa hubungan seks yang kerap dapat mengurangkan stress. Ini adalah kerana semasa hubungan seks, badan akan menghasilkan dopamine iaitu sejenis kimia dalam badan yang boleh mengurangkan stress.

Sejenis kimia lagi yang dikenali sebagai oxytocin, juga dirembeskan dan hormon ini bertindak sebagai hormon yang memberi kesan kelegaan serta kesan positif terhadap keinginan dan nafsu seseorang lelaki.

6. Lain-lain kelebihan.

Kajian di negara Barat menunjukkan hubungan seks yang dinikmati dapat mengurangkan risiko penyakit jantung, mengurangkan sakit kepala, mengurangkan kemurungan serta dapat memberi kebaikan pada otot dan sendi. Selain itu, hubungan seks juga dapat mengukuhkan hubungan dan mengeratkan kasih sayang antara pasangan suami-isteri.

Rujukan: Dr.Zulkifli (Ruangan Tanya Doktor Berita Harian – 17/07/2010)

Pregnancy ills

Pregnancy can cause all kinds of minor maladies.

MANY pregnant women suffer from minor ailments which may or may not cause discomfort. It is advisable to consult the doctor or pharmacist before taking any medicine during pregnancy.

Morning sickness

Symptoms of nausea and vomiting are common during early pregnancy. Although termed morning sickness, it can occur at any time of the day.

About half of all pregnant women will experience nausea and vomiting; about a quarter experience nausea without vomiting. The exact cause of this ailment is unknown.

There are several measures that can help reduce these symptoms. They include drinking in small but frequent amounts which may help reduce vomiting; eating small but frequent meals high in carbohydrates but low in fats; avoiding factors that trigger the symptoms such as food, smell; and getting plenty of rest as tiredness can aggravate the nausea.

The doctor should be consulted if: none of the above measures work; there is persistent vomiting (more than three to four times a day), the vomitus contains blood or looks like coffee; there are symptoms of dehydration including thirst, dizziness, passing small amount of urine, dark coloured urine or none at all; there is weight loss; or there is any concern about the symptoms.

The doctor will check for features of dehydration. A urine test for ketones provides helpful information about the severity of the dehydration. The doctor will prescribe a sort course of medicine that will reduce the severity of the symptoms (anti-emetic). The medicine prescribed will be one that is safe for use in pregnancy.

Sometimes, hospitalisation may be advised for correction of severe dehydration with intravenous fluids.

There are reports that taking ginger and acupressure, a form of acupuncture, may be helpful in reducing symptoms in some women.


This term is frequently used to describe a number of symptoms which include heartburn, food coming back from the stomach (regurgitation), discomfort or pain in the upper abdomen and bloating. About half of pregnant women experience it at some time during the pregnancy, with an increased likelihood as pregnancy advances.

Indigestion is primarily due to pregnancy-related body changes such as increasing hormones and abdominal pressure resulting in acid reflux, which is the backflow of acid from the stomach into the gullet (oesophagus) causing an irritation of its lining.

A simple measure like avoiding food that triggers indigestion may be all that is needed to control the symptoms, especially if the symptoms are mild. However, if the symptoms are more severe, the doctor may prescribe some medicines for symptom relief such as antacids and alginates. It is important to check with the doctor or pharmacist before taking any medicine that has not been prescribed.

Antacids provide rapid symptom relief by neutralising the acid in the stomach so that its irritation of the digestive system is reduced. Sometimes the antacid is combined with an alginate which forms a foam barrier on top of the surface of the stomach contents, thereby confining the acid within the stomach. Antacid and alginates are safe as long as the recommended dose is adhered to.

Iron supplements should not be taken at the same time as antacids as the latter can affect the absorption of iron. The antacid should be taken about two hours before or after the iron.

If antacids and alginates do not provide symptom relief, a medicine that suppresses acid production may be prescribed. Both are safe for use in pregnancy. It is important to adhere to the dose prescribed.


Many pregnant women have problems opening their bowels. Dietary measures like eating food with more fibre (vegetables and fruits), and drinking more fluids are helpful. If the measures are ineffective, bulking agents (bran, ispaghula, methylcellulose) can be used. Stimulant laxatives (cascara and senna) can be used if the bulking agents are unhelpful. However, it is best not to depend on medicines to treat constipation.


Many pregnant women get the occasional episode of diarrhoea, particularly those who eat out often. A short episode of diarrhoea does not harm the foetus. However, diarrhoea that lasts more than a few days can lead to dehydration. This can be prevented by taking rehydration salts which are safe in pregnancy.

Loperamide should be avoided because of insufficient information available to make a decision on its safety in pregnancy.

Coughs and colds

These are very common. Most medicines for cough and cold contain more than one compound, which may include antihistamines, decongestants and painkillers. It is vital to ensure that it is safe to use each compound in pregnancy. As such, it is advisable to consult the doctor or pharmacist before taking any medicine during pregnancy.


Everyone gets pain from time to time. Pregnant women are no different. They can be prone to backache, especially in the latter stages of pregnancy. It is advisable to try measures that do not involve consumption of medicines, such as gentle exercises, to relieve backache.

Paracetamol is considered safe for short term use in all three trimesters and is often used for pain relief and when there is fever. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) and aspirin are usually not recommended during pregnancy as it can delay labour and affect the newborn baby. The risk of bleeding is increased in mothers and their newborn if aspirin is taken in the third trimester of pregnancy.

Opioid analgesics like codeine and dihydrocodeine should be avoided in the third trimester as they can affect the newborn’s breathing. However, it can be prescribed in the first two trimesters for pain relief if the dose is small and the duration of intake is short. As some over-the-counter painkillers contain codeine and dihydrocodeine, it is important to consult your doctor or pharmacist before consuming them.

Stretch marks

Stretch marks (striae) appear whenever there is stretching of the skin because of sudden growth. Sometimes, it may be due to medical conditions like Cushing’s syndrome. The body parts that are commonly affected by striae are the abdomen, thighs and buttocks.

Pregnant women are prone to striae, especially after the second trimester. One reason is that the hormones produced in pregnancy soften not only the pelvic ligaments to facilitate childbirth but also the fibres in skin, thereby increasing the likelihood of striae formation. Another reason is that as the foetus grows, the abdominal skin is stretched more and more. Striae can also appear on breasts and thighs as they in-crease in size during pregnancy.

Most striae become thinner and fade in the course of time. If the striae are prominent or affect a large part of the body, it is advisable to consult the doctor who may make a referral to a specialist. Some treatments for striae may reduce it but does not make it disappear. In this respect, it is essential to be realistic about what can be achieved.

Source: Dr Milton Lum

Saat menilai cinta


APAKAH progres perhubungan cinta anda tahun lalu?

SETIAP kali menjelang tahun baru, melakukan resolusi mengenai karier, hal kewangan dan cinta sememangnya menjadi rutin bagi setiap orang.

Bagi pasangan yang sedang bercinta, kenangan yang dilalui sepanjang tahun lalu mungkin lebih mematangkan fikiran. Apatah lagi bagi pasangan yang pernah gagal dalam percintaan.

Mereka menganggap tahun yang dilalui umpama suatu pengajaran yang membawa ke arah kehidupan yang lebih bermakna.

Menyentuh soal cinta, jangan pula anda lupa melakukan perubahan kepada diri dengan meletakkan keazaman yang tinggi dalam hal-hal melibatkan dunia percintaan.

qqqq1Ikuti tip-tip yang disenaraikan di bawah:

1. Lupakan masa lalu

Anda bukanlah insan yang pernah dikhianati, dibenci mahupun ditinggalkan menjelang hari pernikahan. Setiap perkara yang dilalui sepanjang kehidupan lalu harus dijadikan pengajaran. Tetapi, jangan biarkan pengalaman buruk anda pada masa lampau mempengaruhi hubungan yang sedang terjalin.

Jangan biarkan hal-hal positif dan menyenangkan anda dengan pasangan bertukar gara-gara terlalu asyik membuat perbandingan dari tahun ke tahun. Ibaratkan hubungan yang baru dijalinkan itu seperti kertas putih yang siap dicorak.

2. Temui ramai orang

Bekerja di bawah satu bumbung yang sama atau tinggal berhampiran dengan kediaman anda tidak bermakna dapat membantu anda menemui calon kekasih yang berpotensi, kecuali seorang teman yang sudah lama dikenali. Jalinkan hubungan cinta dengan seorang teman yang boleh membawa anda ke arah dunia persahabatan yang lebih bermakna.

Keluarlah dari zon selesa anda. Sekiranya selama ini anda kerap ke pusat gimnasium selepas pulang dari tempat kerja, namun pada tahun ini, bangunlah pada awal pagi dan lakukan rutin harian dengan melaksanakan segala tugasan yang lebih menyihatkan. Lebih berkesan, ikuti kursus atau motivasi yang melibatkan pesertanya terdiri di kalangan lelaki dan wanita.

3. Ubah penampilan

Sudah tiba masanya anda meninggalkan gaya penampilan lama. Tidak salah sekiranya anda mengeluarkan wang yang lebih semata-mata untuk mengubah stail rambut terkini. Kunjungi salon dan bawalah contoh model rambut daripada majalah sekiranya perlu mendapat keterangan.

Demikian pula dalam hal berkaitan pakaian dan aksesori. Pilih baju berwarna cerah dan bermotifkan corak yang menarik agar anda kelihatan menonjol pada setiap masa.

4. Jangan terburu-buru

Menemui cinta baru mungkin mendatangkan kesan positif. Tetapi, jangan pula anda terus membawanya berjumpa dengan seluruh ahli keluarga. Tunggulah sehingga waktu yang tepat dan jangan sesekali merosakkan hubungan yang baru dibina itu. Hindari berbicara tentang masa depan saat hubungan baru berumur setahun jagung. Nikmatilah waktu perkenalan ini untuk memantapkan hati anda dan pasangan.

5. Jangan terlalu memilih

Setiap orang pasti ada kekurangannya, jadi apabila anda begitu obses akan kekurangan pasangan, mungkin anda sukar untuk menemui cinta baru. Sekurang-kurangnya selidik dulu kelebihan yang ada pada dirinya.

6. Buat keputusan

Cinta kerana paksaan akan membawa duka pada kemudian hari. Jangan takut untuk meluahkan apa yang terpendam kerana ia boleh mendatangkan kesan buruk dalam perhubungan. Oleh itu, lakukan keputusan yang berpihak kepada diri dan jangan takut katakan ‘tidak’.

Do you get headaches a lot? I tend to get them when I’m a.) dehydrated, b.) stressed, or c.) clenching my teeth subconsciously. But, you can zap a headache fast by doing these easy things–no medicine required.

Drinking water, of course, can help you rehydrate and ease a headache, but did you know that you can also give yourself a quick little acupressure treatment that can help you feel better?

The gals over at FitSugar wrote about this tried-and-true trick:

When you’re stressed and feel the tension mounting you can fight the inevitable headache with a little acupressure.The point at the base of your thumb, known as Union Valley, helps redirect blocked energy known as chi in Chinese medicine.

union valley

union valley

To find this tension taming spot, open your palm wide stretching all five fingers. The little mound of flesh where your  thumb meets your palm is the Union Valley. Take the index finder and thumb from your opposite hand and give that spot a moderate squeeze.

Hold for about 30 seconds wile breathing slowly and deeply. Repeat two to three more times, then switch hands. File this tip away for the next time you feel the beginnings of a tension headache.

That can help, but so does this trick that I’ve been using for years. Apply pressure, with your thumbs, to the bone under the middle of your eyebrows. It shouldn’t hurt, but you should feel pressure (a tad ucomfortable at first).

Hold the pressure for 10 seconds or so, and to it one or two times more until your headache eases a bit. I have no idea why this works–but it works!

Could you be pregnant? For some women, the earliest symptoms of pregnancy appear in the first few weeks after conception. Here’s what you may experience.

Are you pregnant? The proof is in the pregnancy test. But even before you miss a period, you may suspect — or hope — that you’re pregnant. For some women, early symptoms of pregnancy begin in the first few weeks after conception.

Symptoms of pregnancy

Consider these classic clues:

  • Tender, swollen breasts. Your breasts may provide one of the first symptoms of pregnancy. As early as two weeks after conception, hormonal changes may make your breasts tender, tingly or sore. Or your breasts may feel fuller and heavier.
  • Fatigue. Fatigue also ranks high among early symptoms of pregnancy. During early pregnancy, levels of the hormone progesterone soar. In high enough doses, progesterone can put you to sleep. At the same time, lower blood sugar levels, lower blood pressure and increased blood production may team up to sap your energy.
  • Slight bleeding or cramping. Sometimes a small amount of spotting or vaginal bleeding is one of the first symptoms of pregnancy. Known as implantation bleeding, it happens when the fertilized egg attaches to the lining of the uterus — about 10 to 14 days after fertilization. This type of bleeding is usually a bit earlier, spottier and lighter in color than a normal period and doesn’t last as long.

    Some women also experience abdominal cramping early in pregnancy. These cramps are similar to menstrual cramps.

  • Nausea with or without vomiting. Morning sickness, which can strike at any time of the day or night, is one of the classic symptoms of pregnancy. For some women, the queasiness begins as early as two weeks after conception.

    Nausea seems to stem at least in part from rapidly rising levels of estrogen, which causes the stomach to empty more slowly. Pregnant women also have a heightened sense of smell, so various odors — such as foods cooking, perfume or cigarette smoke — may cause waves of nausea in early pregnancy.

  • Food aversions or cravings. When you’re pregnant, you might find yourself turning up your nose at certain foods, such as coffee or fried foods. Food cravings are common, too. Like most other symptoms of pregnancy, these food preferences can be chalked up to hormonal changes — especially in the first trimester, when hormonal changes are the most dramatic.
  • Headaches. Early in pregnancy, increased blood circulation caused by hormonal changes may trigger frequent, mild headaches.
  • Constipation. Constipation is another common early symptom of pregnancy. An increase in progesterone causes food to pass more slowly through the intestines, which can lead to constipation.
  • Mood swings. The flood of hormones in your body in early pregnancy can make you unusually emotional and weepy. Mood swings also are common, especially in the first trimester.
  • Faintness and dizziness. As your blood vessels dilate and your blood pressure drops, you may feel lightheaded or dizzy. Early in pregnancy, faintness also may be triggered by low blood sugar.
  • Raised basal body temperature. Your basal body temperature is your oral temperature when you first wake up in the morning. This temperature increases slightly soon after ovulation and remains at that level until your next period. If you’ve been charting your basal body temperature to determine when you ovulate, its continued elevation for more than two weeks may mean that you’re pregnant.

Are you really pregnant?

Unfortunately, these symptoms aren’t unique to pregnancy. Some can indicate that you’re getting sick or that your period is about to start. Likewise, you can be pregnant without experiencing any of these symptoms.

Still, if you miss a period or notice any of the tip-offs on this list, you might want to take a home pregnancy test — especially if you’re not keeping track of your menstrual cycle or if it varies widely from one month to the next. If your home pregnancy test is positive, make an appointment with your health care provider. The sooner your pregnancy is confirmed, the sooner you can begin prenatal care.

Source: mayoclinic

How does having an abortion affect future pregnancies? Does it increase my risk of infertility or pregnancy complications?


There is much evidence that abortion is very safe in regard to its possible impact on future pregnancies. Research has shown that both abortion by medication (medical abortion) and abortion by surgery (surgical abortion) very rarely result in infertility or complications in subsequent pregnancies.

During a medical abortion, a woman takes oral medications — mifepristone (formerly known as RU-486) and misoprostol — during her first trimester to abort the fetus. In a recent 2007 study of more than 11,800 women, researchers concluded that medical abortion does not increase the risk of future miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, preterm delivery or low birth weight babies.

During a surgical abortion, the fetus is removed from the uterus with a vacuum pump or syringe during outpatient surgery. It’s possible — but very uncommon — for a surgical abortion to cause scarring on the inside of the uterus or to weaken the cervix. Such damage, if it occurs, may need surgical treatment.

Like all medical procedures, terminations of pregnancies carry some risk. However, the risk of medical and surgical abortions is quite low.

Source: mayoclinic

Do virgins need Pap smears? Does a Pap smear cause you to lose your virginity?


If you’re a virgin — meaning you haven’t had sexual intercourse — you probably don’t need a Pap smear.

The purpose of a Pap smear is to collect cells from your cervix, which is the lower end of your uterus. The cells collected in a Pap smear can detect if you have cervical cancer or suspicious cells that indicate you may develop cervical cancer.

In most cases, cervical cancer is caused by a sexually transmitted disease called human papillomavirus (HPV). If you’ve never had any type of sexual intercourse, you’re unlikely to have HPV. There are other risk factors for developing cervical cancer, such as family history and smoking, so talk to your doctor if you have concerns.

Even if you do have a Pap smear, it will not cause you to lose your virginity. Although the instruments used to collect the cervical cells may stretch or even tear your hymen — the thin tissue covering the vaginal opening, which is present in some women who’ve never had sex — you will only lose your virginity when you’ve had sexual intercourse.

For effective cervical cancer screening, the American Cancer Society recommends all women have a Pap smear by the age of 21, or after they have been sexually active for three years.

Source: mayoclinic

Ten minutes of cycling or jogging can significantly help people quit smoking, according to a new study.

thumb16The researchers from the University of Exeter have shown that changes in brain activity, triggered by physical exercise, may help reduce cigarette cravings. During the study, ten regular smokers were asked to cycle at a moderate pace for ten minutes, after 15 hours of abstinence from nicotine.

The participants were later showed series of 60 images and changes in brain activity were studied with the help of fMRI scan. Some visuals featured cigarettes and would normally induce cravings in a smoker. On a second occasion, the same group was given an fMRI scan and shown the same series of images without having undertaken exercise.

The study showed that after no exercise the smokers showed heightened activity in response to the images in areas of the brain associated with reward-processing and visual attention. After exercise the same areas of activation were not observed, which reflected a kind of ‘default mode’ in the brain. The smokers also reported lower cravings for cigarettes after exercise compared with when they had been inactive.

Although it is still unclear exactly what caused the difference in brain activity following exercise, the researchers believe that completing exercise raises mood (possibly through increases in dopamine) which reduces the salience or importance of wanting a cigarette.

rokokAnother possibility is that exercise causes a shift in blood flow to areas of the brain less involved in anticipation of reward and pleasure generated by smoking images.

“Our findings add to a growing body of evidence suggesting that exercise can help people give up smoking,” said Kate Janse Van Rensburg, a PhD student at the University of Exeter, lead author on the paper. “This strengthens the argument that moderate exercise could be a viable alternative to many of the pharmaceutical products, such as nicotine patches, for people who want to give up smoking.

“A ten or fifteen minute walk, jog or cycle when times get tough could help a smoker kick the habit. There are of course many other benefits from a more active lifestyle including better fitness, weight loss and improved mood,” she added.

Managing Your Time Effectively

Time is very precious for all of us. If once the time flees it never comes back. So Spending time, like spending money, is a very personal matter. Unlike money, however, you can’t get a “time raise” or “save some hours” for a busy day. Successful people, must budget time according to their priorities to ensure that they spend it effectively. To be able to perform effectively at work, time management skills are a must for everybody.

Time management is important for those who wish to have a balanced professional and personal life. Have you ever taken a look around at your workplace? If you were an observant person, you would have probably noticed how certain people complete their task with great ease before the stipulated time while some struggle laboriously with the same. You may have thought it probably has to do with the particular abilities of a person. Yes, it does hint at a person’s capability but it does not mean others do not have skills. The thing missing out in case of others who fail to perform well is the knowledge about time management skills.

Having the knowledge of time management skills is all about being more productive at work while keeping stress at bay. Slogging for long hours at work does not always mean he/she is really a hardworking employee. An employer would then need to check if the particular person is unable to manage his/her time well enough to complete the taskwithin the given hours. If you are often caught in this trap of being unable to manage your tasks well no matter how hard you try, read all about some tips on techniques about time management skills.

Identify Your Goals and Priorities:
The first step in learning to manage your time—controlling your life—is to identify what your goals and priorities are. Think about the set tasks for the day. You would then need to know how much time should be allotted to a particular task. Focus your energy on the important tasks that are completely significant to you. Is there a particular time of the day when you feel most productive? If your thinking powers are particularly sharp in the morning hours, try to finish your important tasks during that period. You can use the rest of time to finish the seemingly smaller tasks later.

Maintain a planner/diary:
Having a diary with all your activities for the day may seem a little cumbersome to you but you must maintain a diary to know the way you plan your day. Make a to-do list to organize things. Mark all the important tasks for the day. Include some time for your personal self as well.

Learn to say no!
Well, when you are delegating your tasks and if you really can’t fit things in the schedule, learn to say no when required. There is a major difference between realistic goals and the completely impractical ones. Find out another alternative in that case. Every problem has its solution and you are not a one-man show, so learn to refuse when required.

Always keep time for yourself:
To be energized for work would require you to plan for some things, which you really enjoy apart from the work schedule. Going for a dance class or exercising at the gym would give you a chance to feel geared up about your work as well. Explore a new place at the weekend. Plan some time for yourself in between meetings; this is absolutely necessary if you are aiming to finish all the tasks on time!

Be flexible but remain in control:
Expect interruptions, as they are bound to occur. If you are doing things in priority order—not leaving big things to the last—you and your schedule will easily survive.

It is therefore very necessary for one to be aware of time management skills and feel more organized at work. These tips and techniques are bound to help you manage your work in the most effective manner!

x_orgasm1Do you know that 75 % of the Women Fake Orgasm?

Everybody heard rumors about women faking orgasms. Could this be true? Well, bad news for the guys. Women fake it. Maybe not every time, but it’s a high probability that it has happened. The majority of women have faked at least one orgasm, yet some fake almost all of them. Why do they do that? There are many reasons and before you start getting performance anxiety, the truth is that you or your technique is probably not to blame.

A female orgasm can be most easily faked by a good actress. There are few options: gripping something tightly; moaning loudly; breathing deeply; burying face into something (pillow); doing kegels or anything else at least remotely dramatic or climatic.

Researches revealed that just 25% of women can always (or almost always) reach orgasm during the contact (in the case of the males, this is well over 90%) This means that 75 % of the women need more than the in and out movement to make them go over.

So, what can impede a woman from getting the climax, making her use the theatrics, and what can guys do to avoid this?

It is extremely important for the woman to know that she can talk with you, tell you anything and you can listen to her, without your making wise guy comments or seeming to be surprised at what she is telling you. Many women are embarrassed to say what they want, and more importantly, telling you what they don’t want. Some women never really experience orgasm while making sex, but they want their partner to feel good about himself and her.

Find what she WANTS
A man can get to the right point without directions but it also makes sense to ask her where her “buttons” are and reassure her you’re willing to do what she wants without judging her. If she’s still too shy, she could indicate what she would like by sending signals or by guiding your hands.

Make her feel beautiful
To feel relaxed, which is essential for achieving an orgasm, a woman must feel that she is attractive. Many women have body issues. They may not think they are attractive enough, or sexy enough, for you. Women are bombarded with images of perfect bodies, perfect faces by media, net, TV and so on. Seeing you too interested in the perfect bodies you see around does not help. A woman needs to hear and often from you that she’s beautiful and sexy and she looks amazing in certain clothes.

Pump up the volume!
Build up the excitement by calling her in the middle of the day, telling her you can’t wait to meet her tonight. Send her send her passionate messages. She’ll be thinking about it all day and be really raring to go by night time.

Stimulati the C spot!
Please, please remember that less than 25% of women have just vaginalx_orgasm orgasms while many of the rest have only clitoral orgasms. Thus, you have to play with her little love button if you want to get rid of the theater from your bed.

Play to her fantasies
Women have much greater sexual imagination than men do. Her sexual fantasies would put the greatest male fantasy…that of having a trio in bed, to shame. (80 % of the men have this fantasy). Women think on detailed stories involving uniforms, princes, princesses or whatever gets her going.

Some women might want to be someone else for the night. This may make her feel more comfortable doing things she wouldn’t normally do as herself.

Be careful about the timing
Having sex only because the partner wants to, also makes women to fake. When a man tries very hard, sometimes even too hard to make his woman have an orgasm, the woman usually finds it better to fake it than to disappoint her partner once again.

She may be distracted or she may just not be in the mood. So, she will resort to theatrics just to please you. It beats having you pumping away for hours when she’s not in the mood.”

A survey of experts yields good news for anyone who thought their sexual efforts didn’t last long enough. Good sex typically lasts 13 minutes or less, not counting foreplay.

Penn State Erie researchers Eric Corty and Jenay Guardiani surveyed members of the Society for Sex Therapy and Research, which includes psychologists, physicians, social workers, marriage/family therapists and nurses who have collectively treated thousands of patients over several decades.

The results debunk the myth of hours-long sex as a reasonable goal that lingers in the minds of many supposed under-achievers.

A total of 34 experts responded to the survey and were asked what they thought was the optimal time for intercourse, from penetration to ejaculation.

On average, the respondents in this relatively small survey ranked a duration of 3 to 7 minutes as adequate and 7 to 13 minutes as desirable. Anything less was considered, on average, to be to short and anything more, too long.

“A man’s or woman’s interpretation of his or her sexual functioning as well as the partner’s relies on personal beliefs developed in part from society’s messages, formal and informal,” the researchers said. “Unfortunately, today’s popular culture has reinforced stereotypes about sexual activity. Many men and women seem to believe the fantasy model of large penises, rock-hard erections and all-night-long intercourse. “

Past research has found that a large percentage of men and women say they want sex to last 30 minutes or longer, the researchers say.

“This seems a situation ripe for disappointment and dissatisfaction,” said lead author Eric Corty, associate professor of psychology. “With this survey, we hope to dispel such fantasies and encourage men and women with realistic data about acceptable sexual intercourse, thus preventing sexual disappointments and dysfunctions.”

Source: Live Science


Your Guide to the Sexual Response Cycle

The sexual response cycle refers to the sequence of physical and emotional changes that occur as a person becomes sexually aroused and participates in sexually stimulating activities, including intercourse and masturbation. Knowing how your body responds during each phase of the cycle can enhance your relationship and help you pinpoint the cause of any sexual problems.

What Are the Phases of the Sexual Response Cycle?

Sexual Response Cycle


The sexual response cycle has four phases: excitement, plateau, orgasm, and resolution. Both men and women experience these phases, although the timing usually is different. For example, it is unlikely that both partners will reach orgasm at the same time. In addition, the intensity of the response and the time spent in each phase varies from person to person. Understanding these differences may help partners better understand one another’s bodies and responses, and enhance the sexual experience.

Phase 1: Excitement

General characteristics of the excitement phase, which can last from a few minutes to several hours, include the following:

  • Muscle tension increases.
  • Heart rate quickens and breathing is accelerated.
  • Skin may become flushed (blotches of redness appear on the chest and back).
  • Nipples become hardened or erect.
  • Blood flow to the genitals increases, resulting in swelling of the woman’s clitoris and labia minora (inner lips), and erection of the man’s penis.
  • Vaginal lubrication begins.
  • The woman’s breasts become fuller and the vaginal walls begin to swell.
  • The man’s testicles swell, his scrotum tightens, and he begins secreting a lubricating liquid.

Phase 2: Plateau

General characteristics of the plateau phase, which extends to the brink of orgasm, include the following:

  • The changes begun in phase 1 are intensified.
  • The vagina continues to swell from increased blood flow, and the vaginal walls turn a dark purple.
  • The woman’s clitoris becomes highly sensitive (may even be painful to touch) and retracts under the clitoral hood to avoid direct stimulation from the penis.
  • The man’s testicles are withdrawn up into the scrotum.
  • Breathing, heart rate, and blood pressure continue to increase.
  • Muscle spasms may begin in the feet, face, and hands.
  • Muscle tension increases.

Phase 3: Orgasm

The orgasm is the climax of the sexual response cycle. It is the shortest of the phases and generally lasts only a few seconds. General characteristics of this phase include the following:

  • Involuntary muscle contractions begin.
  • Blood pressure, heart rate, and breathing are at their highest rates, with a rapid intake of oxygen.
  • Muscles in the feet spasm.
  • There is a sudden, forceful release of sexual tension.
  • In women, the muscles of the vagina contract. The uterus also undergoes rhythmic contractions.
  • In men, rhythmic contractions of the muscles at the base of the penis result in the ejaculation of semen.
  • A rash, or “sex flush” may appear over the entire body.

Phase 4: Resolution

During resolution, the body slowly returns to its normal level of functioning, and swelled and erect body parts return to their previous size and color. This phase is marked by a general sense of well-being, enhanced intimacy and, often, fatigue. Some women are capable of a rapid return to the orgasm phase with further sexual stimulation and may experience multiple orgasms. Men need recovery time after orgasm, called a refractory period, during which they cannot reach orgasm again. The duration of the refractory period varies among men and usually lengthens with advancing age.

Source: WebMD

Boy / Man



Pelajar cemerlang akan:

1. Menggunakan kedua-dua belah otak kanan & kiri. Ini dapat dilakukan dengan membuat aktiviti merangsang kedua-dua belah otak tersebut.

2. Merangsang kesemua deria dalam pembelajaran. Kajian menunjukkan bahawa:
-kita ingat 10 % apa yang dibaca
-kita ingat 20% apa yang didengar
-kita ingat 50 % apa yang didengar & dilihat
-kita ingat 70% apa yang dicakapkan
-kita ingat 90% setelah dipraktikkan

3. Belajar secara aktif dengan pen/pensil ditangan.

4. Belajar 3 jam sehari atau 20 jam seminggu (tidak termasuk kerja rumah).

5. Belajar dalam persekitaran yang kondusif
-pastikan cahaya adalah terang
-kurangkan gangguan bunyi
-tampal poster yang mengandungi slogan yang menaikkan semangat belajar
-tampal gambar-gambar yang menenangkan fikiran
-kerusi dan meja menghadap kiblat
-jangan lupa untuk senyum

6. Tidak ponteng kelas. Kalau tertinggal kelas, salin nota dari rakan.

7. Mengulang kaji menggunakan kaedah ‘output learning’ iaitu belajar untuk melatih otak menggunakan maklumat yang terkumpul. Ini dapat dilakukan dengan membaca buku/nota, ingat kembali, lakar/tulis, sebut apa yang difahami dan jawab soalan.

8. Tahu teknik merangsang memori:
-memasukkan maklumat dalam memori (registration)
-menyimpan maklumat dalam sel memori (retention)
-mengingat kembali (recall)
-menggunakan maklumat untuk menjawab soalan atau kegunaan lain (application)

9. Sentiasa awal dan mendahului:
persediaan awal akan memberikan permulaan yang baik dan memberi tanggapan yang positif pada guru.
-pelajar yang mendapat A pada ujian lazimnya akan dapat mengekalkan kejayaannya.
-belajar awal ketika tiada tekanan adalah tidak membosankan.
-untuk sentiasa awal dan mendahului, bacalah dahulu sekali atau 2 kali sebelum guru mengajar.

10. Berbuat baik dengan guru. Setiasa hormati dan sayangi guru.

11. Mempunyai teknik membaca yang betul:
-duduk dengan tegak & bernafas dengan betul
-memberikan tumpuan sepanuhnya
-menggunakan jari telunjuk untuk membaca
-menyesuaikan kelajuan membaca dengan kesukaran bahan bacaan

12. Sentiasa mengawasi pencuri waktu belajar iaitu angan-angan kosong, bertangguh & malas.

13. Membaca doa penerang hati setiap kali selepas sembahyang, sebelum mengulangkaji, dan sebelum menghadapi peperiksaan.

14. Tidak membuang masa dengan belajar ketika letih.

15. Berehat sebentar setiap 20 minit mengulang kaji.

16. Belajar mengikut waktu yang sesuai dengan diri (study according to your biological clock). Walau bagaimanapun, perlu tahu waktu-waktu yang sesuai untuk belajar iaitu sebelum tidur, selepas bangun tidur, selepas mandi air panas, selepas baca al-quran/zikir selepas riadah dan selepas berdoa.

17. Mengulang kaji secepat mungkin. Ulang kaji ringkas selepas belajar (kita akan lupa 80% selepas belajar).

18. Mengulang kaji secara bersendirian atau berkumpulan.

19. Tahu mengulang kaji adalah aktiviti pembelajaran terpenting sebelum peperiksaan.

20. Mengulang kaji pelajaran berulang-ulang kali.

21. Mengulang kaji apabila mulai terlupa.

22. Tahu petua mengulang kaji
-cari tempat yang tenang dan serasi dengan jiwa kita
-siapkan semua ‘bekalan’ dengan sempurna
-duduk tegak dikerusi yang selesa
-baca doa penerang hati
-baca buku atau nota mengikut teknik membaca yang betul
-fikir dan ingat kembali isi utama
-semak semula ketepatan maklumat
-ulang sebut atau ceritakan pada orang lain
-buat rumusan
-jawab soalan
-tampal maklumat yang rumit di dinding
-baca doa tanda kesyukuran selepas belajar

23. Tahu memberi ganjaran kepada diri sendiri selepas belajar seperti membaca surat khabar, melawat rakan dan sebagainya.

24. Tahu petua-petua agar tidak lupa:
-jangan makan kepala ikan
-jangan makan organ dalaman
-jangan minum semasa makan
-jangan minum atau makan makanan yang tercemar oleh semut
-jangan melihat kemaluan
-jangan melihat buih
-jangan membaca nama pada batu nisan
-banyakkan makan makanan yang mengandungi soya seperti tempe, tauhu dan lain-lain
-banyakkan makan kismis, kurma dan madu
-banyakkan makan kekacang
-pakai minyak wangi ketika belajar atau menghadapi peperiksaan
-jangan makan sehingga terlalu kenyang
-jangan kencing berdiri

25. Tahu kemahiran mengingat:
-tampal nota-nota penting di dinding
-tukar perkataan, ayat atau definisi dalam bentuk gambar atau rajah
-gunakan kaedah akronim
-reka cerita atau ayat mengenai konsep yang perlu diingat
-pecahkan maklumat kepada kumpulan kecil

26. Cekap mengatur jadual belajar:
-mempunyai jadual belajar
-patuh kepada jadual
-buat jadual yang boleh diikuti

27. Tidak menangguh belajar pada saat akhir dan tidak menumpukan peperiksaan sebagai dorongan untuk belajar.

28. Cari maklumat mengenai subjek yang tidak diketahui. Sediakan perkara-perkara yang tidak diketahui dan dapatkan penyelesaian dari orang yang lebih arif.

39. Membina kepelbagaian dalam pembelajaran. Sebagai contoh, satu hari dipelbagaikan cara dan topik untuk belajar.

30. Menggunakan masa terluang untuk mengulang kaji atau mencuri masa.

31. Membawa nota ke mana-mana sahaja (kecuali ke tandas).

32. Pelbagaikan tempat belajar.

33. Menyedari guru-guru adalah sumber ilmu yang baik. Tanya guru apabila tidak faham

34. Menjadikan nota-nota menarik seperti membuat corak, menggariskan isi penting dan sebagainya.

35. Ciri-ciri pelajar cemerlang:
-taat kepada Allah
-mendirikan sembahyang
-menghormati kedua ibu bapa dan sentiasa mendoakan mereka
-hormati & sayangi guru
-bersungguh-sungguh dalam melakukan kerja untuk mencapai kecemerlangan.
-suka pada setiap mata pelajaran yang dipelajari
-membantu rakan yang memerlukan
-berdoa dan bersyukur kepada Allah
-sentiasa bertawakal
-mahir dalam setiap mata pelajaran

Kita juga perlu ingat pelajar yang cemerlang, adalah juga cemerlang pada akhlak dan tingkah lakunya dan seimbang dalam kehidupannya. Kecemerlangan pelajar bukan semata-mata dilihat pada nilai akademiknya sahaja. Semoga bermanfaat. 🙂

A full-time national serviceman had sex six times with a secondary school student, 14, in his Bedok flat and in a tent in a park last year.

The offences were discovered when she underwent an abortion in her fifth month of pregnancy in March this year.

Shanurfahmi Shariman, 22, was jailed two years yesterday for underage sex.

District Judge Low Wee Ping said that the married Shanurfahmi, who already has a daughter born out of wedlock, should have known better and the law had to be more severe in this case.

He had pleaded guilty last month.

At the hearing yesterday, the court heard that probation was not recommended because Shanurfahmi was fully aware of the consequences of his actions and had taken advantage of a young naive teenager. — The Straits Times/Asia News Network

SHAH ALAM: A 55-year-old ‘bomoh’, convicted of rape, appealed for a lighter sentence but was hit with an enhanced sentenced jail term and more strokes of the rotan.

Mohd Ikrar Munjeet Abdullah was sentenced to 20 years in jail – the maximum jail time provided for the offence under Section 376 of the Penal Code – and 10 strokes of the rotan.

He had been sentenced to 15 years in jail and six strokes of the rotan after a Sessions Court found him guilty last year of raping a lab assistant (then 22) at unit D-G-17, Blok D, Apartment Dahlia, Taman Bunga Raya, Bukit Beruntung in Rawang between 11 am on Dec 13, 2008, and 9am on Dec 14 the same year.

The victim had sought treatment from the accused to dispel ‘illness’ and ‘bad luck’. However, instead of treating the victim, the accused raped her six times.

At one point during her ordeal, the woman said she was hungry and, when the man went to get her some food, she jumped out of the apartment unit, naked.

She took some clothes that was hung to dry on a line (ampaian kain) to cover herself and pleaded for help from a woman passing by with her child. She was taken to the nearest police station.

Mohd Ikrar, who was unrepresented, read his submission for a lighter sentence from the accused dock.

“According to the medical report, semen was not found in the vagina and on the mattress. The doctor’s report also said it is possible for the victim to inflict tears on her vagina.

“I did not do what was accused of me,” he said.

DPP Fazillah Begum Abdul Ghani said semen was not found because the accused carried the victim to the bathroom and bathe her each time after he forced sex on her.

High Court judge Justice Nurchaya Arshad, in her judgement, said there was no reason for the court not to believe the victim’s testimony.

“The accused had clearly taken advantage of the victim who was seeking treatment. He strangled and threatened the victim to get her to comply to his desire. Submission can happen because of fear, force or deception.

“The Sessions Court made the conviction based on facts and the law. Because such crimes are rampant nowadays, this court is increasing the sentence,” she said.